Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Moving car imports from Colombo Port to Hambantota Port

Importers claim the move a Trojan Horse 

By Azhar Razak
The Ceylon Motor Traders Association (CMTA) last week expressed their anger to a plan mooted by the Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA) Chairman, Dr Priyath Bandu Wickrama to move the clearance facilities of all car imports from Colombo to the Hambantota Harbour claiming that logistically it was not practical. Their stance is that since the majority of buyers are from the Western Province, such a move would only make the vehicles more expensive to the consumer with additional transport costs to be borne among a series of other logistical issues to be addressed in such an implementation.

To mitigate losses,

RPCs need to adopt cost centred approach - Economist 

By Azhar Razak
Apart from the need to increase levels of productivity to tackle high costs of production, Sri Lanka’s Regional Plantation Companies (RPCs) should unbundle themselves to adopt a cost-centred approach with respect to each estate, and perhaps each division so that profits as well as losses are immediately identifiable and quickly addressed, recommends a leading independent consultant.

Volumes to be Sampath Bank’s next key focus

By Azhar Razak
Sri Lanka’s fast expanding financial Services firm, Sampath Bank Plc is planning on shifting its focus next year from expansion of branches to attracting bigger volumes as it looks to have a network of 210 branches in place, the Bank’s Chief Executive Harris Premaratne said speaking at Sampath Bank’s investor forum held last week.